دانلود آهنگ جدید دانلود موزیک

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دانلود آهنگ جمعه 24 می 2024 37 0

دانلود آهنگ جدید آرمیکس و ارین دوانادرا به نام فقط تو

Download New Track Armix & Erin DevanaderaOnly You

دانلود آهنگ فقط تو آرمیکس و ارین دوانادرا

درصورت نبودن یا مشکل داشتن لینک دانلود لطفا ما را از طریق نظرات مطلع کنید
پخش آنلاین موزیک
کد پخش آنلاین این آهنگ برای وبلاگ ها
متن آهنگ آرمیکس و ارین دوانادرا - فقط تو

You came into my life, like a gentle breeze,
With your smile, you put my soul at ease
Playing the strings, of my hearts guitar
You are my melody, my shining star
I wanna make you happy, so let me take you so far
Im waving to follow you
Gazing in the moonlight now
Cant you see that I wanna seek your love (yeah)
Turn me into a tide
Liken me to your heart
Oh, Im burning, So I wanna sing of your love
Only you
With every strum, my love comes alive
Our love so sweet, it takes me on a ride
You can take me, take me now
And love me, love me (woah)
And oh, Ill be alright with you by my side
I can leave you but I would rather stay for the best
Youre my rest
I didn’t fall in love with you, because I was alone
Or because I needed someone to make me happy
Or that I couldn’t function without you
I fell in love with you
Because when you were around, good things just got better and the bad things didn’t seem so awful
You see I fell in love with you
for the sole reason that it felt just right
Im waving to follow you
Gazing in the moonlight now
Cant you see that I wanna seek your love (yeah)
Turn me into a tide
Liken me to your heart
Oh, Im burning, So I wanna sing of your love
Only you

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